Elevate Your Potential With Sylvie Mindset Coaching

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Achieve Success: Sylvie Mindset's Personal Growth Partner

Meet Your Personal Growth Coach

Hello, I'm Alexander Sylvie, the proud owner of Sylvie Mindset. My personal development journey began when I was just 12 years old, growing up in the heart of Chicago's inner city. Those early years were filled with challenges and obstacles, but they also provided me with the foundation for my life's mission: helping individuals transform their lives by reshaping their mindset.

From Inner City to Inner Peace

Surviving the battles of the inner city wasn't easy, but it taught me resilience and determination. However, it was a challenge from my family that truly set me on my path to self-discovery. They dared me to answer a question: Could a city boy survive off the land? At the tender age of 12, I accepted that challenge and embarked on a 21-day journey that would forever change my life.

Transformation and Spiritual Growth

Those 21 days were more than just a survival test; they were the starting point of my journey toward healing inner trauma and fostering spiritual growth. I learned the art of self-reliance, and more importantly, I began to understand the power of one's mindset in overcoming life's toughest challenges.

From Sales Leader to Life Coach

Fast forward two decades, and I had honed my skills in leadership, primarily in the fields of sales and services. Throughout my career, I had the privilege of teaching countless individuals valuable skill sets that enabled them to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

The Angler's Detour

But my journey took an unexpected detour when I discovered a passion for competitive bass fishing. Over two successful years, I won numerous tournaments and proved to myself that with the right mindset, dedication, and strategy, I could achieve greatness in any arena.

Realizing the Dream

However, my ultimate dream was to become a life coach and inspirational speaker, inspiring others to harness their inner power for personal growth. I believe in the age-old adage, "Teach a man to fish, and he can fish for a lifetime." In my case, I use the skills and lessons learned from both my inner city upbringing and my years as a competitive angler to teach individuals lifelong personal development skills.

At Sylvie Mindset, my mission is to guide you on your personal development journey, helping you reshape your mindset, overcome obstacles, and achieve your dreams. Together, we'll unlock your full potential and set you on the path to success, just as I did for myself.

If you're ready to transform your life, I'm here to help. Let's embark on this incredible journey together, where your personal growth and success are the ultimate destination.

Empowering Books for Your Personal Growth

Our book collection consists of three titles that provide valuable insights and guidance for unlocking your potential and achieving personal growth:

Book 1: The Sercert Of How To Manifest Your Dreams.

Unlock the pathways to making dreams your reality with Alexander Sylvie’s transformative guide, "The Secret of How to Manifest Your Dreams". Merging ancient wisdom with practical strategies, this book navigates through the spiritual and scientific facets of the Law of Attraction, providing you with tangible steps toward your desired future. Sylvie invites you to embark on a journey where dreams are not mere whimsies, but seeds ready to blossom into your lived reality, offering a blend of metaphysical insight and actionable advice to weave the existence you've envisioned. Step into a world where your aspirations transform into vibrant realities, and uncover the secrets of manifestation with a guide that combines spirituality and practicality in a harmonious dance towards fulfillment.

Download The Book Now

Book 2: Reprograming Subconsciously in 30 Days

Embark on a transformative journey with Alexander Sylvie in "Reprogram the Subconsciously in 30 Days", a must-read guide that blends psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality to reshape your mental landscape in just one month. Sylvie doesn't just explain the subconscious mind; he provides a hands-on, actionable 30-day plan that promises to not only shift your subconscious patterns but revolutionize your life. With relatable narratives, success stories, and a practical, jargon-free approach, this book is not just informative but an experiential journey that promises tangible change. If you’re seeking a shift in your life, longing to break free from limiting patterns, and desiring a future sculpted by your deepest wishes, this book is your first step towards that transformative path. Dive in, and emerge transformed with a reprogrammed subconscious and a life that mirrors your true desires and aspirations.

Download The Book Now

Fulfilling Your Personal Growth With My Approach Is Easy!

Experience a collaborative and solution-focused coaching approach that empowers you to:

Reach Success with Sylvie Mindsets Core Values

At Sylvie Mindset, we uphold core values that form the foundation of our coaching philosophy:


Mindset plays a central and transformative role in personal development, shaping the trajectory of an individual's growth and success. It is a foundational element that influences how one perceives oneself, approaches challenges, and embraces opportunities for improvement. mindset serves as a powerful catalyst for personal development, influencing how individuals perceive themselves and the world around them. A growth mindset fuels self-belief, resilience, and a passion for continuous improvement. By cultivating a growth-oriented mindset, individuals can unlock their true potential, achieve personal goals, and lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Physical Health

Physical health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, encompassing the condition of one's body, fitness levels, and ability to carry out daily activities. It is a key component of a balanced and fulfilling life. Physical health is an essential pillar of overall well-being, supporting mental, emotional, and social aspects of life. Prioritizing physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy lifestyle choices leads to numerous benefits, contributing to a fulfilling and thriving life. Taking proactive steps to maintain physical health is an investment in longevity, happiness, and the ability to enjoy life to the fullest.


Spirituality is a deeply personal and multifaceted aspect of human life that involves seeking meaning, purpose, and connection with something greater than oneself. It goes beyond religious beliefs and practices and encompasses a sense of inner peace, self-awareness, and interconnectedness with the world. Spirituality is a deeply personal journey that holds profound significance for many individuals. It serves as a guiding force that influences how people find meaning, inner peace, and connection with themselves, others, and the world. Embracing spirituality can lead to personal growth, greater well-being, and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries and complexities. It allows individuals to find solace, purpose, and harmony amidst life's challenges and fosters a holistic approach to living a fulfilled and meaningful life.

Skillsets You Will Master

Embark on a journey of self-improvement by mastering essential skills:

Mental Toughness

The 4 C's of Mental Toughness are a set of characteristics that individuals can develop to enhance their resilience, performance, and ability to thrive in challenging situations. These traits are often associated with high achievers, athletes, and successful individuals who consistently perform well under pressure. Through our commitment to these mental toughness values, we aim to create a positive and empowering environment where individuals can flourish, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives both personally and professionally. Together, we embrace the power of mindset to shape our future and make a positive impact on the world. 

Habit Tracking

Habit tracking is a powerful self-improvement technique that involves monitoring and recording your daily habits and behaviors. By keeping a record of specific activities you want to develop or change, such as drinking more water, exercising regularly, or practicing mindfulness, you gain awareness and accountability. Habit tracking helps you stay motivated, build consistency, and make positive changes in your life by providing insights into your progress and patterns. It's a simple yet effective tool to achieve your goals and create lasting habits for a better, healthier, and more productive lifestyle. 


Self-discipline is a fundamental trait that plays a crucial role in personal development, success, and overall well-being. It refers to the ability to control one's actions, thoughts, and emotions to stay focused on long-term goals and resist immediate temptations or distractions. Here's a review of the importance and benefits of self-discipline. Self-discipline is a powerful attribute that empowers individuals to take charge of their lives, make positive choices, and achieve their dreams. By cultivating self-discipline, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Understanding The Path to Personal Growth

  • How Does Coaching Work?

    Coaching is an interactive experience where we discover your goals and your passions and use them to help you travel down a path to the life you want.

  • Is It Confidential?

    100%! What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions, just like seeing a therapist.

  • How Long Does It Take to See Results?

    The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process. 

Take the First Step Towards Transforming Your Life with Sylvie Mindset

Your journey to personal growth begins at Sylvie Mindset. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and start your path to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


"Best coach ever. He
helped me really get sta..."

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Alexandra A - 9/9/2023


"Totally recommend. Mr.
Sylvie is Brilliant, professi..."

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Kingsley C - 8/18/2023


"I highly recommend Alex
as a coach his methods..."

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Thomas S - 8/18/2023


"Alex is very professional
and is extremely gifted..."

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Hunter H - 8/18/2023


"Would highly recommend
Alex to anyone looking t..."

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Ryan A - 8/18/2023


"I recommend Alex‘s
services. His ability to as..."

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Lisa D - 8/18/2023

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